Motorhome hire in Madley

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What kind of motor home can I hire?

With motor homes there is a model to fit every need, so we can get exactly what you require. From the biggest A-class models to the smaller coach built models with an overhead cab bunk to give more sleeping space. The best part is that if you fill in our easy to complete contact form, we can then advise you on the best motor home solution for you.

Taking a motor home holiday in Madley

If your looking to hire a motor home for a holiday in Madley then we can find you the ideal motor home!We can get your motor home booking sorted for you by matching you up with the ideal provider in the area you need. With a motor home holiday it's perfect, you can choose to stay close to Madley and see some sights or travel further afield in search of adventure!

A quick history of the motor home

The motor home RV can be dated back many years to the early 1920s where the first builders started to experiment with the idea. Most of the early motor homes were no where near as complex as modern examples and were usually built onto existing motor vehicle structures. It was only after the mid 20th century that motor home production became more widespread when three main companies started production.

What features does a motor home have?

Mobile motor homes has never been so comfortable with most vehicles having a great range of amenities to make your holiday comfortable. One of the more popular motor home vehicle types are the coach built models which feature a space over the cab which allows you to have a comfortable double bed area. Spacious and comfy sleeping quarters that make the most out of the space afford you a great nights rest. So, here at Holiday Motorhome Hire we can hire you a great home with all the above feature just get in touch with us.